Students celebrate Club Day

February 1, 2016

Laughter and excitement filled the air as students, staff members and alumni flocked to several stands at the main quad. On Jan. 21, De Anza College’s Club Day introduced a wide range of associations for students to join, as well as games and performances.
“Socializing with peers, building relationships and having fun is the most enjoyable on the Club Day” said Ali Haider, 18, economics major.
The K-Pop Dance Club demonstrated their intricate choreographed skills during their unannounced dance routine. The members of Four Elements at De Anza’s hip-hop club  beatboxed and spit lyrical rhymes to attract the crowd’s attention.
“Graffiti, break dancing and beatboxing are all elements of hip-hop,” said co-president of Four Elements, Ataie Kombeze, political science major. “People use whatever they have to create this culture.”
The De Anza Network Club invited students to play water pond and awarded the winners with candy and miniature animals. The club’s purpose is to encourage the relationship building among students.
“We want to connect the student body and alumni,”  said the chief marketing officer of the club, Daniel Vainish, business major. “Professional events will help students to access that potential.”
During past events, the club members have organized movie nights, trips to the beach and other outdoor activities for its members.
Bright electrifying colors of the stand and the joyous smiles of representatives attracted students to the Rainbow Club table. Those who signed up for the club and attended the first meeting got the chance to raffle. The winners were awarded with gift cards.


The Rainbow Club aims to unite LGBT people and allies and “to create an environment where individuals can socialize, build relationships and become a community,” said club secretary, Claire Wilhelm-Satian, 20, environmental science major.
The opportunity to meet new people, learn about clubs and enjoy time off from classes created a buzz around the quad from intrigued students.
Jasmine Cervantos, 20, child development major, said Club Day made her feel welcomed at De Anza. Itzel Delacruz, 19, journalism major, noted the sense of community.
Club Day officially ended at 1 p.m., but the crowd lingered for another half-hour.
“I am in disbelief of the culture within our school,” said Jessica Avila, 21,  undecided major. “I am glad Club Day exists.”
For more information about clubs at De Anza, visit the Inter Club Council and Clubs page at their website or at their  Facebook page.

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