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Free massage at De Anza: relaxing, not outstanding

February 4, 2016

A nondescript exterior and a single sign mark the entrance to PE 12L. Inside is neither a classroom, nor a faculty office. Behind the door is a service few would expect on a college campus; a massage center. The De Anza college’s massage clinic is an affordable service for students, faculty, and community members.

De Anza’s Massage Clinic opened in 1992 and offers discount rates to students and staff at $15 and $25 dollars, respectively. Students of the massage program gain hands on experience with patrons interested in a relaxing massage.

After registering online, I was expected to fill out health forms and specify extremities or muscle groups needing extra attention.

While other professional massage centers typically offer a variety of styles of massage to choose from such as Swedish or Shiatsu the De Anza Center offers only only a single massage style, albeit with the option to choose the pressure (light, moderate or firm). The clinic’s flyers, however, advertise “customized for your needs” Myofascial Release, Therapeutic, Relaxation, Shiatsu and Sports massages.

When asked, my masseuse was unable to name the massage style he employed, simply saying it’s the one that students are taught. While the masseuse employed no deep tissue work or any fancy techniques, it was relaxing, enjoyable and certainly worth the price of entry. My arms, legs, shoulders, neck and back were all worked over. By the end, I felt much the same. There was no lingering soreness but neither was there enhanced relaxation, rejuvenation or better posture, as some may expect after a professional massage.

The ambiance was pleasant, outside music notwithstanding. As the the faint sounds of asian flutes played from hidden speakers, one couldn’t help but notice they did a spectacular job failing to cover whomever was blasting Drake’s “Hotline Bling” from next door.

Barring that detail in mind, the atmosphere was inoffensive to the eye and ear. Given the clinic operates twice a week, there was little permanent decour aside from the odd anatomical poster adorning the walls.

You get your money’s worth at the De Anza Massage Clinic. While the room was spartan, and the outside intruded the meditative state I tried to reach, the massage itself was relaxing and well worth the 45 minutes I spent there.



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