Texas gun law bad for universities

Editorial Board

Texas has continued it’s habit of passing ridiculous laws that defy common sense by approving a law that would allow people, students and faculty included, to bring concealed handguns on to University of Texas campuses.

This is a god-awful idea.

The reasoning behind the law is if the good guys have easy access to guns, they will be able to stop the bad guys who come to shoot up the campus. Essentially Texas believes that more guns will prevent another shooting like Virginia Tech shooting.

No research really supports this view; the chance that a mass shooting will take place on a given campus is slim. It’s also unlikely that someone without professional training in violent situations will be able to keep a level enough head to stop the shooter.

There is no reason to believe that more guns will reduce violence, but plenty of evidence to suggest that guns will make colleges less safe.

Colleges are already awash with drugs, alcohol, stress and depression none of which mix well with easy access to guns.

A survey of college students found that about 30 percent are clinically depressed while another 20 percent are so stressed that it severely inhibits their ability to function, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. This is not the group that needs an easier time accessing a gun.

This isn’t your typical pro-gun conservative versus anti-gun liberal debate. There are plenty of pro-gun individuals who agree that bringing guns onto campus is a bad idea.

First and foremost is the current Chancellor of the University of Texas system, former admiral William McRaven.

McRaven opposed the bill in a letter to the Texas state legislator and in public comments.

“I’m a guy that loves my guns,” McRaven told the Times. “I have all sorts of guns. I just don’t think bringing guns on campus is going to make us any safer. If you’ve ever been shot at, which I have, then you have an appreciation for what a gun can do.”

McRaven also said that the bill would create less safe environments on campus as well as increase the number of accidental shootings and self-inflicted shootings.

When a former Navy SEAL and Navy Admiral says you’re being too cavalier with guns, you should shut up and listen.

Students, teachers, faculty, law enforcement and mental health professionals second McRaven’s opposition.

Texas’ government should listen to the experts and fix this before it harms anybody involved with the University of Texas system.